Wednesday 24 March 2010

Finished game?..

Not quite, but it's incredibly close.


Just realised that the score has bugged, i'll be honest it's a huge kick in the balls and because i'm not adept with coding i can't even begin to fix it. I could backtrack and rebuild it from the start but i've done to much now to rip it all apart.

Quite annoyed.

Knew i forgot something.

It seemed i had forgotten the mothership from my sprite designs, i went back and turned it into a package shot (Be it shrunk down and not overly noticible, i think it's noticable for people to realise what it is).

Edit : Oh, and i got to use my old design for something \o/..

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Mark #3

This is the 3rd and hopefully final design for the sprites, i stuck to a "2" pixel wide pencil this time as so that's why they are blockier than the pre-designs.

I'm happy with the way they came out, even with less detail you can still see what and who they are supposed to be.

Monday 22 March 2010


So this is the 3rd version of the blue monster. (You can see previous version in previous posts). I just simplified it and stuck to the block look so it worked when scaled down.


This is the finished sprite sheet (For the monsters and the barracks), but upon testing found that they are too smooth when shrunk, so back to the drawing board.

As you can see here because of the detail i put into the sprites when shrunk down it all seems to blend together and isn't as detailed.

So as stated, back to the drawing board.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


So i decided to throw the blue monster sprite i did into the game to see how it'd work out, seems it was actually ok.